Adding Forks to Your Perly Tableware
Julian Brown used Steven Lembark's talk Adding Forks to Your Perly Tableware as a jumping off point for a discussion of processing fixed-length data in Perl. He intended the presentation to spark a discussion among the group on the techniques and approach.
Julian had been working on a problem that had become increasingly slow over time. To solve this problem, Julian re-wrote some of the core work in C, believing that Perl inefficiencies were much of the problem. He then described running across Lembark's presentation and realizing that this solution would have been easier to implement and gave speed improvements within a factor of two of the C rewrite. He had already realized that much of his problem was algorithmic and that changing languages was not really necessary to improving that kind of performance problem.
We discussed the use of unpack
instead of other methods for making
sense of fixed-length data. Several people in the group were not familiar with
unpack and even the one's with experience learned from our discussion
and experimentation. We also talked about reads and interrupts and how
would react with multiple processes reading from the same
filehandle. We also spent a small amount of time discussing the difference
between threads and processes.
The format of a discussion guided by a presentation worked much better than I might have predicted. Most of the group was engaged through the entire meeting.
The presentation is available on-line for your reading pleasure.
We had 9 people attending this month. As always, we'd like to thank cPanel, Inc. for providing the meeting space and food for the group.