Houston Perl Mongers Zoom Meeting
Bring any topic that would be of interest to a developer.
Date and Time: Thur June 9th at 6:00 PM Central Time
May 12th 2022 Zoom Meeting
General Discussion
Bring any topic that would be of interest to a developer.
Date and Time: Thur May 12th at 6:00 PM Central Time
April 14th 2022 Zoom Meeting
General Discussion
Bring any topic that would be of interest to a developer.
Date and Time: Thur April 14th at 6:00 PM Central Time
March 10th 2022 Zoom Meeting
For March's Meeting: "General Discussion"
Bring any topic that would be of interest to a developer.
Date and Time: Thur March 10th at 6:00 PM Central Time
Houston Perl Mongers Zoom Meeting
For February's Meeting "Wordle: my morning distraction"
By Julian Brown
Bring any topic that would be of interest to a developer.
Date and Time: Thur February 10th at 6:00 PM Central Time
January 13th 2021 Zoom Meeting
For January's Meeting we will be having Small Talks and General Discussion.
Bring any topic that would be of interest to a developer.
Date and Time: Thur January 13th at 6:00 PM Central Time
For December's Meeting we will be having Small Talks and General Discussion.
Bring any topic that would be of interest to a developer.
Date and Time: Thur December 09th at 6:00 PM Central Time
Houston Perl Mongers Zoom Meeting
For November's Meeting we will be having Lightning Talks and General Discussion.
Bring any topic that would be of interest to a developer.
Date and Time: Thur November 11th at 6:00 PM Central Time
Houston Perl Mongers Zoom Meeting
For October's Meeting we will be having Lightning Talks and General Discussion.
Bring any topic that would be of interest to a developer.
Date and Time: Thur October 14th at 6:00 PM Central Time
Houston Perl Mongers Zoom Meeting
For September's Meeting we will be having General Discussion Bring any topic that would be of interest to a developer.
Date and Time: Thur September 9th at 6:00 PM Central Time
Houston Perl Mongers Fall 2021 Call For Speakers
The meetings take place on Zoom
The talks do not need to be about Perl, but what would a Perl developer might be interested in.
The following dates are open:
Contact me Julian Brown
Houston Perl Mongers Zoom Meeting
For August's Meeting we will be having General Discussion Bring any topic that would be of interest to a developer.
Date and Time: Thur August 12th at 6:00 PM Central Time
For July's Meeting we will be having Lightning talks. Anyone present can talk about what they want to.
Date and Time: Thur July 8th at 6:00 PM Central Time
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/920069702 Meeting ID: 920 069 702
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kijzdeGpk
print +(0b1000100).((3<<2)*10).(010)
Houston Perl Mongers Zoom Meeting - Is Cancelled
June's Zoom Meeting is cancelled
Our meeting would be a distraction from "The Perl Conference" which is running at the same time.
We will resume meetings in July.
For May's Meeting we have Brett Estrade presenting:
A short introduction to OpenMP is presented, along with two new CPAN modules: OpenMP::Environment and Alien::OpenMP. The topic of sequential consistency (and what it means to perl) will also be discussed.
Date and Time: Thur May 13th at 6:00 PM Central Time
For April's Meeting we have
George Baugh presenting:
Followed by Lightning Talks.
All are welcome to present Lightning Talks on any subject interesting to a software developer.
Date and Time: Thur April 8th at 6:00 PM Central Time
Call for Lightning Talks
We are planning to have a meeting with short 10 minute or so Lightning talks. Come prepared to talk for a few minutes about a project you are working, or are interested in.
Contact Julian Brown if you have a moment before hand so you can be scheduled.
Date and Time: Thur March 11th at 6:00 PM Central Time