Perl Mongers' Site

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Testing in Perl πŸ”—

🏷️ news
February 2005
Presenter: G. Wade Johnson
We covered several ways to test Perl scripts and modules, focusing mostly on Test::More. We also discussed an interesting technique to make a script testable as a module.

Intro to Object Oriented Perl πŸ”—

🏷️ news
January 2005
Presenter: G. Wade Johnson
We began a rapid dive into Object Oriented programming in Perl. We started with the basics of what constitutes object oriented programming (OOP). Then, we covered how these concepts are implemented with Perl. The session should be just enough to get you started in OOP with Perl.

Intro to Perl DBI πŸ”—

🏷️ news
October 2004
Presenter: G. Wade Johnson
Wade gave a brief introduction to the Perl DBI. The DBI is Perl's new modular relational database framework. We discussed how to call the DBI for a particular RDBMS, a little SQL overview, and some of the ways to extract data with DBI.

Perl/Tk 101 πŸ”—

🏷️ news
September 2004
Presenter: G. Wade Johnson
Wade gave a quick introduction to Perl/TK. We walked through building a simple GUI and covered a few techniques for making Perl/Tk programs more maintainable. - A Perl5 CGI library πŸ”—

🏷️ news
August 2004
Presenter: Charles Bentley
We got into since we had covered the basics of what you could do with TT2 without using CGI, so we covered enough of to allow continued exploration of TT2 if desired.

The Template Toolkit πŸ”—

🏷️ news
July 2004
Presenter: Charles Bentley
This presentation began a series on Perl and the Internet with the Template Toolkit.

Statement Modifiers and Loop Control πŸ”—

🏷️ news
June 2004
Presenter: Charles Bentley
This presentation was a grab-bag of some important features of the language, including statement modifiers, loop control, regular expression options, and the map operator.

Perl Standard Modules πŸ”—

🏷️ news
May 2004
Presenter: Charles Bentley
The standard Perl distribution comes with a large number of goodies in the form of standard modules. Although there was not enough time to cover all of these modules in depth, Chuck did cover many of the most useful modules.


🏷️ news
April 2004
Topic: Discussion of mail conversion
Presenter: Charles Bentley
April didn't have slides as we discussed a mail conversion project and the tools used to handle problems.

Parsing Command Line Options πŸ”—

🏷️ news
March 2004
Presenter: Charles Bentley
As you should expect from Perl, there are several ways to process command line options. Chuck covers several methods from manual processing through several modules that provide better interfaces.

Benchmarking Perl Routines πŸ”—

🏷️ news
February 2004
Presenter: Charles Bentley
Although the focus of the presentation was benchmarking, Chuck covered other topics such as the DATA file handle and the differences between our and my variables.

Using Perl as a Command Line Tool πŸ”—

🏷️ news
August 2003
Presenter: Charles Bentley
One of the places that Perl really shines is on the command line. Although most of the Perl code you write will live in programs, Perl makes it easy to solve quick problems with command line parameters. Chuck covers the most commonly needed command line options and some operators that are particularly useful in this mode.

Perl Regular Expressions πŸ”—

🏷️ news
July 2003
Presenter: Charles Bentley
Chuck gives an overview of Perl's regular expressions. This topic is an ongoing source for questions from new and experienced Perl programmers.

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