Perl Mongers' Site

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Open Perl Help Session πŸ”—

🏷️ news
April 2008
This session was an open invitation for people to bring questions or problems for the group to provide help on.

The Net::Jabber::Bot Project, continued πŸ”—

🏷️ news
February 2008
Presenter: Todd Rinaldo
The group continued working on the project from last month. We extended testing and worked on the version request.

The Net::Jabber::Bot Project πŸ”—

🏷️ news
January 2008
Presenter: Todd Rinaldo
Todd introduced the Net::Jabber::Bot module he has been developing. The group helped to improve the testing of the module and began the process of turning it into a group project.

Catalyst/DBIC πŸ”—

🏷️ news
October 2007
Presenter: Brandon Black
Brandon covered some of the basics of Catalyst and DBIC.

Subroutines, Closures, and Coderefs πŸ”—

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September 2007
Presenter: G. Wade Johnson
Wade gave a presentation about code references in Perl 5. This talk explains some of the things you can do with coderefs, including the concept of closures and ending with an introduction to currying.

Moose -It's the new camel πŸ”—

🏷️ news
April 2007
Presenter: Robert Boone
Robert gave an interesting presentation on the Moose module and Class::MOP. Moose defines a new standard for creating and using objects in Perl.

Introduction to Catalyst πŸ”—

🏷️ news
February 2007
Presenter: Robert Boone
Robert gave an introduction to the Catalyst web development framework.

Creating Perl Modules πŸ”—

🏷️ news
January 2007
Presenter: G. Wade Johnson
Wade explained that creating CPAN-ready Perl modules is not particularly difficult. Nowadays, there are several modules that make it even easier.

Using Perl::Critic to Improve Code πŸ”—

🏷️ news
October 2006
Presenter: G. Wade Johnson
Wade gave an overview of the Perl::Critic module. This lead to some group discussion about best practices in Perl.

Introduction to PDF::API2 and HTML::Template πŸ”—

🏷️ news
September 2006
Presenter: Glenn Pringle
Glenn introduced the PDF::API2 module and showed how it had been used to produce printable receipts online. He also provided a brief introduction to HTML::Template.

Perl 6: an Overview πŸ”—

🏷️ news
August 2006
Presenter: Robert Boone
Robert lead a discussion on Perl 6. The meeting was part presentation, part question and answer session.

A Report on YAPC::NA 2006 πŸ”—

🏷️ news
July 2006
Presenter: Will Willis
Presenter: Jeremy Fluhmann
Will and Jeremy presented their experiences at YAPC::NA this year in Chicago. Jeremy also gave an update on the current state of our proposal for YAPC::NA 2007 in Houston.

An Overview of Subversion and Introduction to Caching πŸ”—

🏷️ news
June 2006
Presenter: Paul Archer
Paul covered two separate topics this month. The first was a quick overview of the Subversion version control system. Afterwards, he explained the topics of caching and memoization as discussed in the book Higher Order Perl.

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