Perl Mongers' Site

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Benchmarking Perl Routines πŸ”—

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February 2004
Presenter: Charles Bentley
Although the focus of the presentation was benchmarking, Chuck covered other topics such as the DATA file handle and the differences between our and my variables.

Using Perl as a Command Line Tool πŸ”—

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August 2003
Presenter: Charles Bentley
One of the places that Perl really shines is on the command line. Although most of the Perl code you write will live in programs, Perl makes it easy to solve quick problems with command line parameters. Chuck covers the most commonly needed command line options and some operators that are particularly useful in this mode.

Perl Regular Expressions πŸ”—

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July 2003
Presenter: Charles Bentley
Chuck gives an overview of Perl's regular expressions. This topic is an ongoing source for questions from new and experienced Perl programmers.

Jumpstart into Perl πŸ”—

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June 2003
Presenter: Charles Bentley
Chuck began our regular Perl meetings with a script for searching Perl's FAQs for questions relating to a keyword or phrase. He shows the various steps he used to develop this program and in the process showed a sampling of Perl's features.

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