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Upload Your First Module to CPAN πŸ”—

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Presenter: brian d foy
brian d foy gives a workshop showing how to create and upload your first Perl module to CPAN. The workshop also shows how to use github as the repository for your module.

Perl and Bioinformatics πŸ”—

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June 2014
Presenter: Daniel Culver
Perl has turned out to be a popular choice for processing bioinformatics data. Daniel Culver introduced the group to subject and a set of challenges for anyone wishing to try their hand at the field.

Indexing Stuff & Things with Sphinx and Perl πŸ”—

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May 2014
Presenter: Brett Estrade
Brett introduced the Sphinx indexing/search system and showed how to use it from Perl. This system allows queries to be made against a local set of data.

Beginning Moose πŸ”—

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April 2014
Presenter: Daniel Culver
Daniel gives a presentation describing Moose from the point of view of a beginner.

Introducing Erlang πŸ”—

🏷️ news
March 2014
Presenter: Mark Allen
Mark Allen gave a presentation intended to help people with no experience with Erlang up to the point of having written a simple Erlang program in one hour. Although it took a little longer than that, the audience got some pretty good insight into this fascinating language.

Pseudo-Random Number Generation - How it Works, What the CIA Knows, and What Options Exist in Perl? πŸ”—

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February 2014
Presenter: Robert Stone
Random numbers are important in many areas of computing. A very important approach to generating random number sequences is Pseudo-Random Number Generators. Robert Stone gives an overview of Pseudo-Random Number Generation, with some explanation of Cryptographically Secure Pseudo-Random Number Generators. He also discusses some of the ways this can go wrong, including examples from recent security news. He finishes up with information about Perl modules that can be used for generating Pseudo-Random Number Sequences.


🏷️ news
January 2014
Presenter: D Ruth Bavousett
Ruth gives an overview of Library information systems and the work she did in migrating libraries from various systems to the open source Koha system. Perl's abilities to manipulate text-based data efficiently was critical to this work.

A JSON parser regex πŸ”—

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October 2013
Presenter: brian d foy
brian d foy explains some of Perl's more powerful regular expression features using a regex written by Randal Schwartz to parse JSON.

Hack-a-thon and Perl Help Session πŸ”—

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September 2013
Presenter: G. Wade Johnson
This meeting was intended to be another hack-a-thon for those people who had projects to work on. For those relatively new to Perl, Wade was going to run a help session to answer questions and go over Perl basics.

An Introduction to Work Queuing with πŸ”—

🏷️ news
August 2013
Presenter: Brett Estrade
Brett explains how to use the Redis data store as a work queue. Many of the features of Redis support producer-consumer queuing. July Hack-a-thon πŸ”—

🏷️ news
July 2013
We opened the conference room for anyone to work on their projects or help others as a Hack-a-thon. Unlike the previous attempt, no official project was specified that we would work on.

p2: The Design and VM of a Next Generation Perl (11 = 5+6) πŸ”—

🏷️ news
June 2013
Presenter: Reini Urban
Reini Urban covered some of the background and low-level details of one of the efforts to modernize the compiler and run-time for Perl 5.

Pari/GP and Perl - Past, Present and Future πŸ”—

🏷️ news
March 2013
Presenter: Charles Boyd
Charles Boyd introduces the Pari/GP library and discusses how its design makes creating bindings to the library easier. He also discusses some current Perl bindings to the library, as well as future directions for this work.

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